On the Appalachian Mountains in the US they experience deadly landslides. There are many reasons why areas experience high levels of avalanches or landslides. against avalanches, landslides, erosion, rockfall, rockslides, debris avalanches, torrents and debris flows;

Many are … Landslides in India are considered a major hazard in most hilly and mountains regions as well as in steep river banks and coastlines.

Landslides and Avalanches explores how the ground really can fall from beneath people's feet. The series of almost 700 landslides were caused by an 8.5-magnitude earthquake. They triggered avalanches and landslides, killing and injuring dozens of people in and around the region. Important factors considered to be responsible for causing landslides … Debris Avalanches, Landslides, and Tsunamis. Alex Hansen earthquakes and … Landslides, Avalanches and Protection Forest Section The section is responsible for the implementation of technical and biological measures protecting human living space against natural hazards, i.e.

At least 76 people in Pakistan-administered Kashmir have died in weather-related incidents, the Associated Press (AP) reported, citing a local official. Volcanic structural collapse in the form of avalanches, rock fall, or landslides can be almost any size ranging from a few loose rocks falling from the crater rim of a volcano to large avalanches such as the one at Socompa Volcano in Chile that covers 500 square kilometers (Francis, 1993). Bjørn Nilsen landslides: tunnels, underground facilities, mountains hydroelectric power: tunnels, underground facilities, dams. Avalanches come in many shapes and sizes. More recently in 2013, a cloudburst caused a series of landslides and floods in northern India resulting in the deaths of approximately 5,700 people in what is one of the deadliest landslides of … Avalanches are caused by mass movement of snow or unstableness of snow. Avalanches do occur naturally, but when you add humans into the mix, they can be deadly, says Trautman. The causes of landslides in India are not much different from the world, but there are some peculiarities. Find out how collapsing hillsides can crush whole communities and how shifting snow can turn a mountain valley into a burial ground.
avalanches, soil and clay characterization, ground disturbance, soil stabilization, geotecnical modeling. Snow, landslides & avalanches Rain is a relatively straightforward weather event, varying in amount and force.

Landslides and avalanches