2018 Impact Factor. 1.038 Search in: Advanced search.

We intend to provide a forum for authors to present their evidence-based views, as long as they are not factually incorrect (or, you know, wacky). Given the current pandemic, Ecology and Evolution remains flexible and supportive to authors, referees and editor needs. Flexibility in the Troubling Times of COVID-19.

Submit an article. Field Chief Editor Mark A. Elgar at the University of Melbourne is supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international researchers. Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Firenze. Ecology and Evolution Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal … Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research across fundamental and applied sciences, to provide ecological and evolutionary insights into our natural and anthropogenic world, and how it should best be managed. Citation search.

Our standard time for revisions is two months, but we will not be holding authors to this and will reactivate any lapsed submissions. Ecology and Evolution is intended to be a bit different.

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Our overriding philosophy is to be “author friendly”. This journal. Subscribe. Citation search. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (MEE) is a British Ecological Society journal that promotes the development of new methods in ecology & evolution, and facilitates their dissemination and uptake by the research community. Current issue Browse list of issues Explore.

Ethology Ecology & Evolution.

Our overriding philosophy is to be “author friendly”.

Ecology and Evolution