He’s a well-liked manager who is kind, respectful, nice to be around and sensitive to the needs of others. When intelligent people meet someone new, they ask clever, seemingly innocent questions that help them identify whether the person is someone worthy of their friendship.

Befriended and not became so close at first just because I do get friendly so fast but she needs time .

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Emotional intelligence is learned and can be improved.

Many people would tell you that they don’t think they are emotionally intelligent, but all emotional intelligence means is that you are in tune with what you are feeling and how you project yourself into the world.

Mindfulness is perhaps one of the most important characteristics of emotionally intelligent people. A person who is empathetic is likely to ask a lot of questions and display curiosity and genuine concern when someone is upset or having an issue. In addition to high emotional self-awareness, emotionally intelligent people are also aware of the emotions of others. Tom, for example, considers himself an emotionally intelligent person. Emotionally intelligent people don’t assume that they are the source of someone’s anger, but make an effort to determine what is going on. Hiring 10 Qualities of People With High Emotional Intelligence If you want to know if you have high emotional intelligence, here are a few tips to guide you along the way. Perhaps it is the continued need to problem solve to figure out where exactly the paper you need is located or the intense focus on other tasks over desk organization. What most people fail to realize, though, is that mastering emotional intelligence doesn't come naturally. My best friend Nivedita… I met her during my psc coaching classes . As Jones writes, one of the main keys to being emotionally intelligent is being self aware – and if you’re not self aware, you inherently have an uphill battle in becoming emotionally intelligent! Mindfulness. "They ask for feedback, and are really open to it. Night owls are more intelligent than people who get an early night, according to a study published in 2009. What most people fail to realize, though, is that mastering emotional intelligence doesn’t come naturally. There are common characteristics of highly intelligent people. When emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70 percent of the time. Many highly intelligent people have messy desks, which some people would attribute to enhanced levels of creativity.
These are 6 characteristics of emotionally intelligent people; by cultivating these habits and traits, you may just find that your emotional IQ is raised as well.

What does low emotional intelligence really look like? People who are emotionally intelligent move away from the rest of the pack. They blame others for the way they feel, hold grudges because they don’t have the capacity to take responsibility for their feelings, or for the role their actions played in creating those situations.. Tom, for example, considers himself an emotionally intelligent person. She was my roommate and that's how we met. It’s been linked with happiness, success and likability.. This anomaly threw a massive wrench into the broadly held assumption that IQ was the sole source of success. Emotionally intelligent people are always looking for ways they could be kinder or wiser, including in their own relationships. So Jones created a list of 10 actions that represent what an emotionally intelligent person would NOT do. If you’re spending time trying to hire the right person for an available job position and want to make sure to hire someone brilliant or simply want to surround yourself with smart people, you should look for these characteristics in the people you meet. Emotional intelligence is one of the most revered traits in the psychology world. Emotionally intelligent people ask questions and often find that the other person is not upset at them, but that something else happened that morning on their way to work etc. 1. An emotionally intelligent person might perceive their emotions as cues to take action, both to deal with the challenges and to control their thoughts and feelings. Well, people with low EQ can’t deal with stress, and are easily agitated. It’s an essential skill when they need to understand competitive behavior or manage a diverse group of people. 6 Characteristics of Emotionally Intelligent People. In his books “Emotional Intelligence” (1995) and “Social Intelligence” (2006), the author explains that part of this ability, this capacity, is to be found in our own epigenetics. Some of the most famous geniuses had extremely messy work areas, including Albert Einstein.

Emotionally intelligent people are typically also highly empathetic. Thanks for sharing nice article ,learn a lot (Why we Need Emotional Intelligence to Succeed) also by adopting mentioned above 7 qualities people increase their emotional intelligence . The most emotionally intelligent people have these 12 traits.

who is an emotionally intelligent person