There are a number of factors that influenced the crop growth. 1.NPK 2.Urea 3.Sulphate of ammonia ... Quizlet Live. Before that, fertilizers are substances normally used for improving the plant nutrients.

Flashcards. Help Center. There are some important differences between organic and inorganic fertilizers in terms of their properties, applications and effectiveness. Examples of inorganic fertilizers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Inorganic fertilizers are chemical substances manufactured from inorganic materials.

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Organic fertilizers are obtained from plants and animal sources. Help. Start studying Difference between organic and inorganic compounds. Sign up.

The success of farming mainly depends on the growth of a crop. Quizlet Learn.

Organic vs Inorganic Compounds The most common differentiation to help distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds used to be the fact that organic compounds result from the activity of living beings, whereas inorganic compounds are either the result of natural processes unrelated to any life form or the result of human experimentation in the laboratory. ... Inorganic fertilizers. To begin with, organic fertilizers offer a very feasible option as they are available on or near the farm at little or no cost at all. Honor Code. ORGANIC vs INORGANIC FERTILIZERS Nutrients for bonsai are available commercially in the form of fertilizers in two forms namely Organic and Inorganic.

Inorganic matter is generally obtained from non-living matter, so it is mineral in nature.

Organic matter is found in living, or once-living, organisms, so it is biological in nature.

Another difference between organic and inorganic compounds is organic matter will burn, but inorganic matter will not burn. Organic vs Inorganic Fertilizer The difference between organic and inorganic fertilizer can be discussed under various perspectives.

what is the difference between organic and inorganic fertilizers quizlet