There are elements of action planning, brainstorming, issue analysis and team building in this activity and one that I often use with teams as the conversation is always extremely focused. Prioritization Matrix is a fun collaborative prioritization tool to compare the relative merits of alternative actions visually. Vision, Mission, Values and Leadership Traits Workshop Workshop Overview Most companies struggle with preparing and implementing their Vision, Mission and Values in a way that is meaningful and actionable by all stakeholders in a business: i.e.

Facilitating a Mission / Vision Workshop. This is achieved by identifying a powerful vision your team members can be aligned to and underpinning it with agreed core values. Jim Collins and Jerry Porras describe a well-constructed vision as being comprised of two parts: a core ideology and an envisioned future.. Core ideology includes both the essential purpose of the organization, why it exists, and the core values, or what we stand for. It uses a narrative approach to elicit personal values from each participant and then iteratively consolidates those values into themes with positive value statements to guide behaviour. Published December 2, 2015 In other news, I’ve recently switched roles to being a Product Owner. The Vision and Values Workshop has been designed to inspire action among team members aimed at driving organisational growth. Shareholders, Customers, Vendors and employees. The aim of this workshop is finding the shared values of a group or organization and implementing strategies for the group to learn living those values. As this is a new team, I tasked myself with creating a mission and vision for the team that we can buy in to and that we can use to set expectations with our stakeholders.

vision and values workshop