Meaning of Strategic Communication. Defining Strategic Communication. Information and translations of Strategic Communication in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Strategic communication is a term used to denote the higher-level concerns behind communicative efforts by organizations to advance organizational mission.

As we know that communication is the exchange of information between two parties i.e. sender and receiver. Login It is, therefore, inherently multidisciplinary as work in this area draws on literature from a wide array of other subfields, including public relations, marketing, advertising, and management. The nature of the term strategic is examined, and key aspects of communication are identified. What is strategic communication? So for communication, one has to worry about the effective ways of communication.

Scholars and communication professionals have adopted strategic communication as an umbrella term meant to include a variety of communication-related professions, such as public relations, brand communication, advertising, and more. Every body wants build a successful communication strategy, but its not as easy as we think so. Communication Strategy Definition. It defines strategic communication essentially as sharing meaning with others in support of national interest. This article is based, in part, on a panel discussion involving the journal's editors and international scholars at the International Communication Association in May 2005 in New York. conduct of strategic communication by joint forces. It suggests that the fundamental challenge of strategic communication is to influence and that an important aspect of this challenge is effectively integrating all available means. One of the primary reasons for this is that their employers don’t know what is strategic communication or how to use it, creating a disconnect within the workplace. A recent poll has shown that 70% of employees are not engaged in their place of work. This article examines the nature of strategic communication, which is defined as the purposeful use of communication by an organization to fulfill its mission. 1 What is strategic communication? “Strategic Planning” by Stefano Senise from Thinkstock is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

strategic communication meaning