It should be noted that state aid is a matter where policy is currently the responsibility of the European Union. Finally, aid can be granted only until the end of this year. Aid exempted by the GBER can be supported by other aid exempted by the GBER as long as those aid measures concern different identifiable eligible costs (For example two or more GBER Articles can be used to support clearly divisible project costs without recourse to cumulation). Potential cumulation of various measures above, and with de minimis and GBER aid COVID-19 WHAT PUBLIC FINANCE SUPPORT (STATE AID) IS AVAILABLE IN THE EU, EEA, AND UK*?
(1) In order to prevent State aid from distorting competition in the internal market and affecting trade between Member States in a way which is contrary to the common interest, Article 107(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘the Treaty’) lays down the principle that State aid is prohibited.
example State Aid: the Basics and The State Aid Manual, is written for public sector officials and assumes too much knowledge and contains too much jargon to provide meaningful guidance to the average SME employer and payroll agent. Staviczky, P. Cumulation of State Aid European State Aid Law Quarterly Volume 14, Issue 1 (2015) pp. 117 - 129

The provision of clear guidance by HMRC will be particularly necessary in the farming and

... aid measures that fall outside the scope of EU State aid control (e.g., support applicable to all undertakings or directly to consumers).

basic Regulation for structural funds). The State Aid Team provide advice to public sector bodies and not to individual members of the public, applicants or beneficiaries of aid. Furthermore, aid may be granted under the measure only to undertakings that were not in difficulty on 31 December 2019. There is a State aid situation when structural funds are combined with national money in situations where the national money falls within the meaning of Article 87(1) EC. However, compliance with these requirements is not straightforward and sim- ple especially when different types of State aid and/or different forms of State aid is grant- ed to the same undertaking. 6. Cumulation of State Aid I 117 Cumulation of State Aid Peter Staviczky* State aid law sets some barriers for each project or undertaking above which State funding is not allowed. Member States will not be allowed to cumulate de minimis aid with State aid if the cumulation would lead to aid intensities higher than those provided under block exemptions (see below for a list of those block exemptions) or approved by the Commission in the context of individual state aid Decisions. The UK will ensure that the rules for cumulation of aid are respected across all measures under the Temporary Framework and across all granting authorities. Aid which must be notified on an individual project basis Regional Aid must be notified to the Commission and approved by the Commission as compatible prior to payment if: • The aid amount is higher than €7.5million in a 10% 107(3)(c) area, €11.25m … The United Kingdom will ensure that the rules for cumulation of aid are respected across all measures under the State Aid Temporary Framework and across all granting authorities.

State Aid Information Oil and Gas Technology Centre Support for Research and Innovation – State Aid The objective of the scheme is, in terms of Articles 22 and 25-29 of the European Union’s General Block Exemption Regulation, to provide:

state aid cumulation