Receiving a sharply worded letter from an attorney demanding that you remove a photograph from your website AND (often) seeking payment for prior use of a particular photo in print and online is no fun. Responding to an Infringement Notice. Janice Housey .

A copyright infringement notice follows. A Cease and Desist Letter is a letter sent to an individual or business that is engaging in unwelcome or illegal behaviour.The Cease and Desist acts as a formal request that the recipient stop ("cease") and not continue ("desist") this behaviour.

How to respond to legal notice on copyright infringement? A copyright attorney will identify your defenses and identify non-legal leverage as well as legal leverage to assert that response letter in an attempt to stave off a copyright infringement law suit. Trademark Infringement, Unfair Competition, or Claim of Dilution . Symbus Law Group, LLC, Washington, D.C., United States .

First, verify that your business did infringe. This is not a complete list of all possible theories, but can serve as a good template to start your response to the willful copyright infringement lawsuit. That’s very important that’s what you want to do with the initial response letter. For example, Getty Images has a policy of only seeking to be put in the position they would have been in had the image been properly obtained (in short, they're only looking for the licensing … Summary and Outline . The template is intended for use by other intellectual property lawyers. Most terms of a cease and desist letter are usually reasonable. Here are some things to check: Was the material used with permission? Get free answers to all your legal queries from experienced lawyers & expert advocates on copyright-patent-trademark & other legal issues at LawRato. Responding to a Demand Letter. answered by expert copyright-patent-trademark lawyer. When you receive a copyright infringement notice, usually the copyright holder will simply ask you to "cease and desist" use of the copyright. Read the infringement notice carefully. Bonus: follow this link to see our sample defenses to raise in a copyright infringement lawsuit. Investigate whether your business misused copyrighted materials. Visit Now!

sample response to copyright infringement letter