The more people spend on the ceremony, the more likely the couple will get divorced. Is it OK to use a vacuum cleaner to clean my PC? NOTE: Reddit Enhancement Suite is developed independently, and is not officially endorsed by or affiliated with Reddit. A 'serving GMP officer' hosted an Ask Me Anything thread on Reddit - this was the fascinating response. 33,237 talking about this. Reddit is not our job, but we have spent thousands of hours as a team answering questions, facilitating A.M.A.s, writing policy and helping people ask questions of their heroes. What is Reddit? To read more about Reddit Enhancement Suite, please visit In this guide, we will walk you through the terminology, perks, and how to navigate the various communities of the popular social platform. Reddit is honoring Alexis Ohanian’s request to fill his board seat with a black candidate by naming Michael Seibel, a partner at startup accelerator Y Combinator, to the position. Epic's response isn't satisfying everyone: Several respondents on Reddit ask why the company is collecting data preemptively and without permission, despite Vogel saying that the … TIL there is an inverse correllation between the amount of money spent on a wedding, and how long the marriage lasts. Reddit Enhancement Suite is a community-driven unofficial browser extension for Reddit. The front page of the internet • Reddit is a place for community, conversation, and connection with millions of users worldwide. Find out why NordVPN, ProtonVPN, Mullvad, and more are the VPNs that Reddit users trust the most. Send your problems to Have a burning question about the smoke coming out of your PC? I think you learn your trade as a PC. Ask PC Gamer is our new weekly advice column.
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