Submit OER from the web for review by our librarians. Die für OER üblichen Creative Commons-Lizenzen erlauben es ja ausdrücklich, Lehr- und Lernmaterialien weiter zu verbreiten, öffentlich zugänglich zu machen und mit anderen zu teilen. Search.
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OER Commons provide targets to other providers to harvest content in these formats. Open Content Providers. Warum also dafür nicht auf soziale Netzwerke und jene Plattformen gehen, die für nutzergenerierte Inhalte ebenso prädestiniert wie populär sind? Selbstverständlich steht das Video unter freier Lizenz, so dass es kopiert, vorgeführt, verarbeitet und andersweitig weiterverwendet kann. Click 'edit' (on the right of this document) to contribute additional resources. Partnered with the Inclusive Design Research Centre since 2010 to incorporate FLOE components into the OER Commons platform, ISKME's efforts combine OER discovery and enhancement tools and processes with FLOE's personalized network-delivered accessibility standards and tools. Utah OER Collective. About creating OER; Sign In. Die Transferstelle für OER hat ihr erstes eigenes Erklärvideo produziert: Bilder unter freier Lizenz nutzen – weit verbreitete Fehler und wie man sie vermeidet. If you do provide consent, you may change your mind and unsubscribe at any time. Add Link. … Add OER Add Link; Open Author. View in normal mode. About creating OER Subject Applied Science Arts and Humanities Business and Communication Career and Technical Education Education English Language Arts History Law Life Science Mathematics Physical Science Social Science Education Level Community College / Lower Division College / Upper Division Graduate / Professional Career / Technical Adult Education College Credit Plus Standard … Learn More. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. Like • Show 19 Likes 19; Comment • 11; View in full screen mode. Open Author. Document created by on Jan 17, 2016 • Last modified by awilliams on Oct 29, 2018. About; Help Center; Create Open Author. Was die Nutzungsbedingungen von Facebook für OER … Learn more about creating OER. Version 16 Show Document Hide Document. This list is compiled by the members of this group. About creating OER Sign In/Register Subject Applied Science Arts and Humanities Business and Communication Career and Technical Education Education English Language Arts History Law Life Science Mathematics Physical Science Social Science Education Level Community College / Lower Division College / Upper Division Graduate / Professional Career / Technical Adult Education Search UELMA. Social Studies. A project created by ISKME. If you would like to unsubscribe or have any questions, you can click on the unsubscribe links in Submit from Web. See all Groups.

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