Another major low-calorie wine is Brancott Estate’s Flight Song Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio. Explore the wide selection of Low Alcohol Wine available online at BWS, your local bottle shop. Red wine that’s 13% alcohol by volume or lower will be higher in residual sugar. Low carb red wines are about 14-15% alcohol by volume. How do I choose a low-calorie wine? Strict calorie counters will probably go for white wine over red. How Many Carbs in Red Wine Vs. White Wine. As a rule of thumb, white wines tend to be lower in calories than reds. Dry wines are essentially low carb wines.

Generally speaking, due to the alcohol and sugar content, a high-alcohol and sweet wine will have more calories than a dry, low-alcohol wine.

Plus, you want to choose a drink that won’t break the calorie bank. If you're following the keto diet and sourcing only about 5 percent of your daily calories from carbs, even 5 grams per glass can add up quickly—so stick to low-sugar wines that are bone dry and come from a cooler region. These two keto-friendly wine brands are paving the way for low-sugar and low-carb options that also taste good. #1: Dry Farm Wines Dry Farm Wines is the perfect solution for wine lovers who also happen to be following a ketogenic diet. Everything you should know about the low-calorie white wine known as Cense At fewer points per glass than your typical vino, you won't have to choose between a glass of wine … However, sugar has fewer calories than alcohol, so it might be better to go for a sweet, low-alcohol wine. A dry red wine contains only about a gram of residual sugar.

Order online today If you are using a screen reader to navigate the BWS website please select the “Accessibility On” switch in accessibility settings. "A cooler-region wine minimizes the potential [alcohol by volume] due to the lack of sugar evolved inside the grape," says Sweders.

low calorie wine