There is greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing, ageing can appear to slow down, creativity and charisma can increase, as can internal peace and knowing. The Ascension Stages are about the bringing of layers of light, the Kundalini force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality.

Phases of Kundalini : Just like everything else in life kundalini cycles thru a specific flow of chemistry. The main symptom is feeling an electrical energy moving along the meridian paths in the body, connecting one to the next one in a … Final stage (nishpatti) 1. Nevertheless, some yoga teachers help speed up the kundalini awakening process by using fast-track techniques. Kundalini Recovery Process – The Stages I recently read an article by Charles L. Whitfield, MD on the “Perspective from a Map of the Psyche and the Kundalini Recovery Process.” In his article, his discusses the different stages of emotional recovery during Kundalini, and spiritual bypass of these steps as traps in the Kundalini recovery process and becoming stuck at that stage. Awakening stage (Arambha): Technically speaking, the Kundalini is considered awakened when the shell of the Kundalini is broken and so is the knot of the base chakra, normally referred to as the Brahma knot as this knot is very close to the Kundalini center. There is nothing especially significant about describing this Kundalini Awakening in six stages (the six graphics), as opposed to some other number; it is simply a convenient way to explain the process. 4. As a result, spontaneous kundalini awakening causes the body to jerk and shake. Prepare to be awakened. The general periods for a full-on awakening are 2 years priming, 6 month apex, 3 years peak, 5 years recovery, but awakenings come in all shapes and sizes. The variety of visual Kundalini awakening symptoms is striking: it’s like lightning rays of light in your head, visions or hallucinations (by the way, they can be quite frightening!). Most traditional kundalini yoga teachers would agree with the chronology of the above-mentioned kundalini awakening stages. Regardless, Kundalini Awakening – whether a full experience or the beginnings of movement – is the awakening of Kundalini energy, which resides at the base of the spine. The six graphics visually represent the process of Kundalini Awakening. It cannot be purchased or sold because it’s truly a divine process. The six graphics visually represent the process of Kundalini Awakening. This awakening is an intricate process that will take you from bliss to pain, from anxiety to healing and from fragmentation to integration. Conclusion. Closing Thoughts. Kundalini Awakening is a spontaneous process which takes place only in presence of realised soul or the Holy Spirit. When Kundalini awakens, a person may experience deeper empathy with others, and this empathy can almost become telepathic. Stages in Kundalini Awakening: The graphics above display the seven major chakras , the left and right energies of Ida and Pingala , and the Sushumna nadi, the central channel that courses through the chakras (Sushumna is sometimes called "silver cord"). Absorption stage (parichay) 4. Kundalini Symptoms with Full-Blown Kundalini Awakening When the full-blown kundalini awakening is triggered, it will happen very suddenly. These first two stages represent normal Kundalini functioning: the Kundalini rises up, you gain union with the Self or Soul, you gain some insights and understanding, and then the energy goes back down to ground. STAGES OF KUNDALINI. When Kundalini awakens a path of healing, self-awareness and confrontation commences. Most traditional kundalini yoga teachers would agree with the chronology of the above-mentioned kundalini awakening stages. Kundalini rises to Sahasrara. Spontaneous kundalini awakening can occur after something harsh has taken place in your life, something very traumatic, examples would be, death of a loved one, severe injury , having sex with someone whose kundalini is awakened, meeting your twin flame/soulmate, shock or even using drugs. Awakening stage (arambh) 2. Where the Kundalini begins to cause problems is when: Stages in Kundalini Awakening: The graphics above display the seven major chakras , the left and right energies of Ida and Pingala , and the Sushumna nadi, the central channel that courses through the chakras (Sushumna is sometimes called “silver cord”). The picture below show the location of Kundalini in the perineum, its shell and the Brahma knot. It is because the body, mind, and soul go through drastic changes to transform into a higher spiritual being. Be prepared to undergo a major shift in consciousness. Cleansing stage (ghat) 3. Kundalini awakening is a state of spiritual awakening. As the vibratory rate of the planet is increasing at high speed more and more individuals are affected by this phenomenon, both human and divine. The awakening of Kundalini is often akin to samadhi – the last and much sought after stage of spiritual awakening. There were cases when there was a small sparkling point in the Third eye area. Kundalini energy is awakened 5. What are the benefits of a Kundalini Awakening? If you believe you may be experiencing a Kundalini awakening, below is a list of possible expressions it may take. Process of Kundalini Awakening.

kundalini awakening stages