When people start out learning to clean and press, there foot work after the clean is usually a problem. The elbow must remain tight to the body. The kettlebell clean is one of the most likely ways you'll bruise your wrists. Wrist pain when using 'heavier' kettlebell. How to stop kettlebell from hitting forearm so hard? Which is better or worse will depend on the purpose and which exercise you do. ... Do not keep going. – Use your feet to get the power from the ground and hit the punching bag in the right way – Hit the punching bag with bigger knuckles of your hand. Strength and Form, Not Wrist-Specific Strength. This helps me keep my wrist straight and minimizes the impact of the kettlebell hitting my wrist. If the bell is hitting you, there is something wrong with your technique. On the snatch, I tell pepole to "punch" upwards as you reach the top. Here are a few tips to help you save your wrists and forearms in your kettlebell training: 1. One of the most overlooked skills of the kettlebell press that gets overlooked is the foot work and tension.

Slowly increase the intensity and volume of your workouts Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Press J to jump to the feed. Drive your left hand while taking out the right punch from the punching bag.

I just got my 36 pound kettlebell today. Your best bet is improving your overall strength, not your wrist strength specifically. Initiate the movement with a hip hinge and hip drive.

The kettlebell swing is an effective workout but it can have a painful learning curve. You can focus on improving your technique and avoid hitting your lower arm by wearing a forearm shield.

The clean starts out much like a single-arm swing but ends with the bell in the rack position -- just below shoulder-height, with the bell resting between your biceps and forearm and your elbow tucked into your side. Another option to stop forearm discomfort while using Kettlebells is to change your workout. On the clean, you need to keep it close to the body and pull the elbow back just a little as you near the top of the clean.

If your shoulder mobility is lacking, start by checking out this post for some mobility drills. How to Avoid Hitting Your Forearm With the Kettlebell We've all been there: banged up our wrists so bad that we couldn't lift the next day without pain. You may want to see a professional …

The only problem I have is that when the darn thing swings around and whacks my forearm, it really kills. This could lead to wrist pain. I tried doing kettlebell swings with 16kg weight, but it just kills my wrists. I tried just now and I can reproduce the position you describe, with the opposite horn contacting my forearm below the wrist, but only with the KB lying on its side on the ground and taking a very extreme angle, gripping way down on the horn instead of the corner of the handle. Posted on June 8th, 2009 | Categories: Articles. The kettebell should be between your first knuckle and your fingers (shown 1:11), with your thumb locked over which allows your wrist to be straight, but is loose enough to allow you to transition to different positions easily while still controlling the kettlebell. Keep the wrist neutral throughout the whole movement.

The kettlebell should be moving around the outside of the wrist and not flip over the top, this will also help stop the kettlebell hitting the back of hand. Don’t hurt yourself trying to do this exercise. We all go through the pain of banged up forearms until we develop good form and our forearms toughen up, normally only a few weeks. The Russian Kettlebell Swing: Correcting 5 Common Errors The Russian kettlebell swing (a two-arm swing to the chest or eye-level) is the original, or foundational, kettlebell exercise. One of the most common issues for people new to training with kettlebells - outside of hand tears - is being able to clean and snatch the kettlebell without slamming the bell onto their forearm. I have to say the exercises were harder than I thought! I would check to see if your wrist is extended at all during the grip. However, if you slowly increase the volume and intensity of your workouts and you take the time to learn great form from the beginning, you can keep the wrist pain and bruising to a minimum. Like for single leg romanian deadlift, a beginner may not be flexible, stable and/or strong enough to go that low using a dumbbell. Why You’re Banging Your Wrists When You Kettlebell Clean The kettlebell clean, just like all the other deadlift movements, comes from the hips. I only recommend doing the overhead squat with weight if you have good shoulder mobility. This, along with practicing good form with your punch against resistance, will keep you from bending your wrist. The heavy impact of the weight striking your forearm causes soreness, bruising and pain on your wrist.
Kettlebell Clean uses a technique that brings the Kettlebell from the floor to your chest (racked) in one fluid motion. @Herp Derp I have the same kettlebells, but have not experienced this problem. r/kettlebell: Forum for kettlebell enthusiasts. Get more updates like this by signing up for notifications on the right side on desktop and below on mobile devices! The American kettlebell swing (a two-arm swing overhead) that is more common in CrossFit is merely a progression of its Russian counterpart. It helps to dip a little as you catch it.

how to keep kettlebell from hitting your wrist