I have a multi-project Gradle build structure, where child project depends on a JAR, which I don't want to be in WAR file. exists() assert new File (outputDir, " e " ) . However when I give more than one task on the command line, that depends on the excluded task, the task is executed anyway. Downgrading versions and excluding dependencies. If you installed Gradle outside of just invoking the Gradle Wrapper, you can check your Gradle installation by running gradle --version in a terminal. For example, if I remove that dependency on crunch-core then the avro-mapred module will be correctly excluded. This is the default behavior when you specify a directory as the from() argument, as demonstrated by the following example that copies … Read the in-depth sections later in the chapter for more detail on how the file operations work in Gradle and what options you have for configuring them. This is because you didn't exclude it from the dependency on the bom.

Gradle resolves any dependency version conflicts by selecting the latest version found in the dependency graph. version 6.5. I tried "exclude" but it does not work. Since providedRuntime and providedCompile depend on the presence of the Gradle war plugin Grails' gradle plugin includes its the nebula provided plugins which include a version of provided that is not tied to the war plugin. Some projects might need to divert from the default behavior and enforce an earlier version of a … You may have a need to copy not just files, but the directory structure they reside in as well. If you followed the installation instructions, and aren’t able to execute your Gradle build, here are some tips that may help. Copying directory hierarchies . To do this i use --exclude-task/-x on the command line. Overriding transitive dependency versions; Excluding transitive dependencies ; Overriding transitive dependency versions. Contents. In the meantime I recommend declaring excludes on the configuration level. Then you don't have to worry about which dependency they might come from. A short build script to reproduce this is: task level0 We can probably improve the handling of excludes when they come from a constraint instead of from a hard dependency. The intent here, which may be unclear from the original post but is visible in the following comments, is to also exclude the c directory from existing: your last two lines should be: assert new File (outputDir, " d " ) . exists() The name of this scope is provided and Grails overrides the scope name that Spring Boot uses when packaging dependencies. It's not that modules with classifiers never work, it's just that they don't work when a different dependency pulls in a different classifier version. In other words just using provided instead of …

gradle exclude not working