For example, when customers sign a tenancy agreement, which is a binding legal document, it’s vital they understand the implications.

FLAGSHIP is a partnership of GIPSIL, Foundation and Turning Lives Around (TLA).

213 Requirements relating to tenancy deposits E+W (1) Any tenancy deposit paid to a person in connection with a shorthold tenancy must, as from the time when it is received, be dealt with in accordance with an authorised scheme.
You may be able to take over a council or housing association tenancy if you were living with the tenant who died. the infestation was caused by your landlord not making certain repairs to your home - for example, not fixing holes in the walls. your tenancy agreement says they’re responsible - or it says they will keep your home in a “good and habitable state” or something similar . Housing & Support. The full names of everyone listed on your tenancy agreement (or ‘rent book’) – for example ‘Rick Smith’ would probably be ‘Richard James Smith’. Contact the council or housing association to inform them of the tenant's death.

Right to Acquire allows most housing association tenants to buy their home at a discount.

Everyone in all our organisations knows how INTRAN works, and it’s easy to access services. Your landlord has to do anything your tenancy agreement says they have to do. A tenancy agreement is a contract between you and a landlord - ending a tenancy, changing a tenancy, tenancy types and assured shorthold tenancies

GIPSIL provides housing and support across Leeds to enable people to live in their own homes. (2) No person may require the payment of a tenancy deposit in connection with a shorthold tenancy which is not to be subject to the requirement in subsection (1). Trish Worden, Flagship Housing “INTRAN is vital for two-way communication with our customers, and building services around their needs. FLAGSHIP. We provide specific services to young people, care leavers and vulnerable adults.

Your landlord is also generally responsible for keeping in repair: the structure and exterior of your home, for example, the walls, roof, foundations, drains, guttering and external pipes, windows and external doors Check if you can inherit a: council tenancy; housing association tenancy; If you are a joint tenant the tenancy continues, but in your name only.

flagship housing tenancy agreement