In many places, it is common for the recording of public property, persons within the public domain, and of private property visible or audible from the public domain to be legal. Free Speech.

It is illegal in Delaware for a harasser to obstruct your entry to or exit from (ingress or egress) any public building.

Custom House, New York NY. What are the rules around taking photos or filming in a public place?

However, you must not film or take photos of people if they are in a place where they can expect privacy (such as a public … The law does not specify whether this applies only to publicly owned buildings or to any building open to the public.

On this week’s Why’d You Push That Button,’s Kaitlyn Tiffany and The Verge’s Ashley Carman discuss the legal and social ramifications of recording strangers in public. 5 § 1324. The legality of recording by civilians refers to laws regarding the recording of other persons and property by civilians through the means of still photography, videography, and audio recording in various locations.

Obstructing Ingress or Egress from Public Buildings Title 11, Chap. Graphic works include, among … Film locations for Michael Mann's Public Enemies (2009), around Chicago, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and California. Production crew filming on location at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. If you want to film in a public space that is owned by a council, or the NSW Government in the case of national parks or state buildings for example, it is important to seek a licence if you are intending to use the video for …

It is generally lawful to take photographs of people in public places without their consent. Filming in a public place for a commercial purpose. A building on public display is not infringed by making a film, photograph, broadcasting a visual image or making a graphic work representing it. Rationale and benefits: Filming and other special event space rentals help support federal preservation goals by generating revenue to keep historic federal buildings occupied, in good repair, and economically viable while contributing to their use and enjoyment by the public.

Court Upholds Restriction on Videorecording in Government Buildings, even if there is such a right to videorecord on public streets, holds a federal district court.

filming in public buildings