Hydra -Referencing the Mt. Mt Hydra 1) To/from Goa Area 2) Use the Sword of Water with the Ball of Water to create an ice bridge across these shallows. Talk to the rabbit in the shed and he will tell you what happened to them. Hydra map above, follow the path 2-4-6-A-D-E-F-8 to get the Bow of Sun -Now go to the Cave of Styx, head right past the gargoyles, kill the Wizard, fly across the stream, and pick up the treasure chest in a little path off to the left (the other 2 are Mimics). Go to Mt Sabre, south of Brynmaer. Hydra and Shyron. Use the Sword of Fire and the Ball of Fire to destroy ice barriers there.

Take the passage that leads back to Leaf through Zebu's Cave and you will find that all the people are gone. 3) To/from Shyron ; change into Stom and the guards will let you pass. Shyron is directly west of the gates and once you reach the gates to Shyron you must Change to … Here you will find Stom who will tell you to find Kensu … As soon as you walk into Swan proceed west until you see the brown shed between the Inn and Tool Shop.

This is the music heard in Mt. Hydra in Crystalis for the NES.

Walkthroughs Youtube Twitter Medium Resources Swan.

Change to a Soldier to get past the Draygonian Soldier at the gate. Crystalis NES walkthrough on how to clear Swan, Goa Fields, Mt. Sabre & Mt. Walk through the door. How to get the spell Change, Bow of Moon, Blizzard Bracelet and Key to Styx. Talk to the lady and she will give you the Warrior Ring, a pretty sweet item -Now return to Mt.

crystalis mt hydra