By the end of reading this presentation you should be able to: Build a culture that promotes innovation & creativity Become familiar with different styles of thinking and identify your personal preferences Learn how to find out what you don’t Integrating Critical Thinking into Educational Settings Dr. Christopher Dwyer @CogitoErgoDwyer ‘Thoughts on Thinking’at Notes on Claims A claim is a statement that is either true or false, though this cannot always be determined at any particular time.

“Critical thinking is skilful, responsible thinking that is conducive to good judgement because it is sensitive to context, relies on criteria, and is self-correcting.” Mathew Lipman! Transcript: Critical Thinking The Problem Solving Process The Assignment You will be given an aspect about college life and a side of the issue to argue. "Critical thinking is thinking that assesses itself" ( Center for Critical Thinking, 1996b ). what-is-critical-thinking.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Things that cause cancer... according to the Daily Mail: •Being a man •Being a woman •Sunscreen •Babies •Baby food •Crayons •Flip-flops •Bras •Having a big head •Intercourse with sparrows.

1. (with picture) Why is this man upset?

3. (with pictures) Why did this cat eat? Critical Thinking Good critical thinking is systematic –like a criminal investigation; you need to: •Investigate the problem thoroughly •Prosecute and defendthe ideas •Cross examine the witnesses (literature) •Sum up and consider theory •Reach an informed verdict –In the light of …

Scribd is the … Our PowerPoint Templates are like none that you (or others) have ever seen, so use our innovative templates to wow your audience. 60+ slides each with a new thinking skill/discussion point.

12788 free themed PowerPoint Templates that focus on communicating your ideas in your presentations, by using theme related backround images and professional graphics. Critical thinking is thinking about things in certain ways so as to arrive at the best possible solution in the circumstances that the thinker is aware of.

Eg: What is lurking in the middle of this maze? Critical Thinking.

"Critical thinking is the ability to think about one's thinking in such a way as 1. Free critical thinking PPT. what-is-critical-thinking.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Critical thinking is much harder in a second language because the learner encounters unclear language in reading and listening AND must be clear and exact in writing and speaking.

Chapter 5 (Part I) - Critical Thinking-.PPT Last modified by: MHUSS Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Arial Black Wingdings Times New Roman Tahoma Arial Unicode MS Default Design Critical Thinking What is critical thinking? (with picture) Who would you rather be friends with? (pic of fat cat) Perfect for thinking time while you take the register - then you can discuss it for a few minutes after. It is a way of deciding whether a claim is always true, sometimes true, partly true, or false.

Thinking critically involves seeing things in an open-minded way and examining an idea or concept from as many angles as possible. Critical thinking is the ability to apply reasoning and logic to new or unfamiliar ideas, opinions, and situations. Critical Thinking “Critical thinking is thinking that assesses itself" (Center for Critical Thinking, 1996b) Critical thinking is reflective reasoning about beliefs and actions.

Whether critical thinking is the main focus of a lesson or a side story in a grammar or vocabulary lesson, it can deepen student engagement in the material. You can simply make your audience aware of this approach and help them resolve an issue in a better way. From IT to sales and healthcare to education, individuals belonging to all sorts of domains can make the most of this template. “Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking, while you’re thinking, in order to make your thinking better.” Richard Paul


Critical Thinking ppt