An important note: one quality is not better than other. | Prof. Mark Leuchter Aaron died there, at 123 years old, and the people mourned him for 30 days. Moses and Aaron went to see Pharʹaoh again. We can look at different people and determine whether they resemble Moses or Aaron. Aaron threw down his stick, and it became a big snake. That determination can help us understand their actions and even emphasize with them when we disagree or get frustrated. Aaron participated in that disobedience and along with Moses, was banned from entering Canaan. In the Torah, Aaron, Miriam, and Moses are siblings; Aaron is the biological ancestor of all priests, Moses is the redeemer of Israel from Egypt, and Miriam, their sister, leads the Israelite women in song. On the border of the promised land, Moses took Aaron up Mount Hor, passing his priestly garments on to Aaron's son Eleazar. But what can we reconstruct about who these ancient figures may have been? Question: "What can we learn from the relationship of Moses and Aaron?" This time they did a miracle. But Pharʹaoh’s wise men also threw down sticks, and snakes appeared. The differences between Moses and Aaron can even serve as a kind of personality test.

aaron and moses