616 Captain Marvel vs 616 Savage Hulk. While in Marvel Comics she’s usually under the power levels of characters such as Thor and under the strength level of characters such as The Hulk.
0 comments. Captain Marvel (MCU) vs Hulk (MCU) # Hulk (MCU) How does Hulk not stand a chance? Be the first to share what you think!

Lorraine Cink explains She-Hulk, a.k.a.

share. 100% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Sort by. Wikis. Remember saying that she did better against Thanos is not even really true and regardless not good evidence. Games Movies TV Video. The MCU, however, has different power levels for their characters. Hard to say. save hide report. The Hulk is a fictional superhero appearing in publications by the American publisher Marvel Comics.Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the debut issue of The Incredible Hulk (May 1962). View entire discussion ( 0 comments) More posts from the whowouldwin community. best. 616 Binary Captain Marvel vs 616 World War Hulk. Cap marvel does not have the scope, range or raw power to defeat the Hulk." Hulk vs Captain Marvel | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom. Despite the power to lift mountains and crack planets, Marvel is chock full of beings stronger than the Hulk; some can turn him inside out with just a pinky. With Captain Marvel releasing into theaters, viewers got to finally see how powerful Carol Danvers will be in the MCU. Trivia. MCU Hulk is not trash just because of Endgame and the fact that he's no as powerful as his comic counterpart. Hulk vs. Wolverine is based on Incredible Hulk #181, Wolverine's first appearance. Remember saying that she did better against Thanos is not even really true and regardless not good evidence. Lets see a common competitor Hulk. Earth's Mightiest Show / S3 E29 She-Hulk: The Whole Story. Captain Marvel (MCU) vs Hulk (MCU) # Hulk (MCU) How does Hulk not stand a chance? I dont remeber the exact comic or iteration but hulk lets her beat him into a crater for a few moments. It’s not pleasant to think about, which is why Marvel likes to hide said characters away, letting fans believe Hulk really is the strongest one around. Despite not possessing any score at Rotten Tomatoes, the movie was generally well received from the fans. Captain Marvel (MCU) What do you mean "caught off guard" Thor ran up to him after beating Hulk and broke a sword on him before getting casually slapped back. Screenplay writer Christopher Yost has stated that the Hulk Vs. Wolverine portion takes place before the events of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. FANDOM. In comic-book terms, it would be described as an epic battle: Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel. no comments yet. When Captain Marvel faced Hulk Whereas, when She Hulk faced Hulk She managed to draw blood from him. Jennifer Walters', backstory and how she ties into many teams from across the Marvel Universe, including the Avengers on this week's Earth's Mightiest Show.

Hulk vs Captain Marvel