How Hurricane Katrina helped New Orleans reform a jail system overcrowded with minority prisoners and nonviolent offenders.

A home destroyed by Hurricane Katrina flooding waits to be demolished in the Lower Ninth Ward on May 12, 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana. In our post-Katrina lives, we had to adapt to abrupt loss and change, much of it painful. This local libation was created with rum at Pat O’Brien’s bar during World War II when whiskey was hard to come by.

Something else will be happening that will be interesting to watch. The name for the drink came from the glass it’s served in that resembles a hurricane lamp. Bernardo de Galvez' ships (Governor of New Orleans) that were to be used to secretly seize the British post at Baton Rouge were grounded or destroyed, thus ruining his plans for invasion until the 27th. “Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans,” by Don Brown, author and illustrator. The most popular drink with visitors to the French Quarter may just be the sweet red Hurricane, served with a big old cherry and a juicy orange slice. A hurricane made landfall at New Orleans. Graphic novels resemble comic books. Spain had declared war on Great Britain. More than 1,800 people died across the Gulf Coast region, which suffered more than $100bn of … Much of the story in graphic novels is carried by the elaborate drawings and illustrations. NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana—After Hurricane Katrina, Doris Mitchell returned to her flooded home in New Orleans, hoping to repair the place where she’d raised her children. Carlos Barria / Reuters Read more The military and federal agencies are performing house-to-house searches, rescuing New Orleans residents stranded in their homes due to flood waters caused by Hurricane Katrina. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, 2015, 95 pages, Grades 7-9. What is a Hurricane cocktail? In the 10 years since Hurricane Katrina battered New Orleans, there is almost nothing about the city that has changed more than its public schools.

Ultimately, the storm caused more than $160 billion in damage, and it reduced the population of New Orleans by … Hurricane Katrina, tropical cyclone that struck the southeastern United States in August 2005, breaching levees and causing widespread damage and deaths. In New Orleans and the surrounding area, we all have pre-Katrina and post-Katrina lives. … Members of the Oklahoma Army National Guard and agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration ride in a 5-ton truck performing block-to-block searches, Sept. 7, 2005. New Orleans, one day after Hurricane Katrina made landfall. New Orleans, Louisiana, as seen from above on August 19, 2015, 10 years after being struck by Hurricane Katrina.

NEW ORLEANS — The tropics are expected to remain quiet as we go into the middle of June.

By Leon Neyfakh June 19, 2015 3:02 PM

2015 hurricane new orleans