The British Shorthair cat served as a model for the Chesire Cat character in “Alice in the Wonderland” and “The Shoe Pussycat” – a popular image that will probably remain impressed by the minds of children. There's a very wide spectrum of feline sociability. British Shorthair FOLD - Osteochondrodysplasie. 59111 Bouchain Chatons. Elevage de cat's hart. Son prix est aux alentours de 950 euros, tant le mâle que la femelle. Typical weight ranges for adult Scottish Fold kitties are 4 to 6 kg (roughly 9 to 13 lbs) for toms, 2.7 to 4 kg (6 to 9 lbs) for queens. British shorthair. website uses cookies and scripts in order to provide an enhanced experience. 59560 Comines Chatons. Over time other color variations have also emerged: silver, red, cream, black and white, bi-color. You should make sure she gets plenty of fluid (consider a kitty water fountain) and feed her a diet of premium high-protein wet food. Notre sélection de chatteries et élevages de chats British Shorthair. British Shorthair : 2670; British Longhair : 909; Scottish Fold : 577; Scottish Straight : 911; Highland Fold : 288; Highland Straight : 503; Ces pedigrees sont en constante augmentation. The head is perfectly round, the short and thick neck, the broad chest, the solid shoulders. If I had to sum up the British Shorthair in one word, it would be “solid”. In general, note that it’s important not to free-feed either of these breeds and to make sure they get plenty of exercise in the form of play. The last recognized colors are chocolate and lilac, the latter having a gray-pink hue. The Scottish Fold does better with retired or self-employed people, or in a family home where people will be around a lot. link to How long can a mother cat be away from her kittens? He is not a curious animal, which means that curtains, furniture, and home bibluses will be safe with her. They will be very playful but will not overdo it. It is recommended that the food be of the highest quality. And if you take such a kitten when you become a parent, you can rest assured that they will achieve the increase together. Sterilized cats have fattening tendencies. It is enough to brush two or three times a week to remove dead wires and once every two weeks to clean the ears. Aujourd’hui cousin du Chartreux, il connaît justement des ancêtres très ressemblant à ces derniers. Mais ce compagnon les vaut bien. Please consult Amazon and Google for their privacy policy. The British Shorthair is independent but loyal and affectionate. Your choices will not impact your visit. chats British Longhair British Shorthair Highland Fold (Scottish Fold à Poil Long) Scottish Fold. Like humans, they have different personalities, some are more quiet and shy, others are joyful and funny, but they all need attention, care and lots of love. The average weight of this cat is 15 pounds (7 kg) – males reach about 15-20 pounds (7-9 kg), and females 8.5-13.5 pounds (4-6 kg). Le poil est serré, à tel point qu'on peut le comparer à un tapis de laine. The robust, rounded appearance of the cat proves its pleasure to eat. British Shorthairs are also very sedated, a trait that becomes more pronounced with age and which can make them prone to laziness. The British Shorthair and the Scottish Fold are two of the most beloved pedigree breeds, especially in the UK. Du Domaine De chopin . 59170 Croix Chatons . Découvrez la race British Shorthair en vidéo That’s one more reason why British cats are not hard to take care of. Let her set the pace and come to you for petting rather than insisting on picking her up. As with the BSH, do not overfeed the Scottish Fold. CHATONS BRITISH SHORTHAIR,LONGHAIR,SCOTTISH FOLD; CHATONS RAGDOLL, PERSAN; CHATONS SACRÉ DE BIRMANIE, SIAMOIS; CHATONS CHARTREUX ET BLEU RUSSE; CHATTERIE ET PHOTO; TÉMOIGNAGES; CONTACT RAPIDE; CHATONS BRITISH SHORTHAIR. The color of the eyes is very clear, with shades of golden to black, with the exception of white varieties – whose eyes are blue, golden or even in different colors – and those with pointers (blue eyes); (Silver Tabby, Spotted, Mackerel) and shaded (Silver Shaded and Chinchilla) – whose eyes are golden or green. Des croisements avec le british longhair sont autorisés. Elbows have strong muscles, are thick and moderately long, and the tail is generally short and ends with a rounded tip. Il a pour cousins le Chartreux et l'Européen. Sexe: Femelle. Keep in mind that, given this breed’s propensity to joint and mobility problems, it is even more important than usual to choose a reputable breeder. So he will not be hiding under the bed if an unknown person appears in the house, but will behave as usual, treating the new person either with sympathy or with coldness and indifference (but never with hostility). Mazerolles-du-razès 11240 Chatons british shorthair et longhair loof. Chatons. British Fold Shorthair is one of the oldest breeds of cats in the UK, having as ancestors cats imported by the Romans during the Roman Empire. British Shorhairs can be considered longevives, as they often reach the age of 20. You should factor this in when shopping for equipment such as litter trays and cat trees. If they have a flaw as a breed, it might be that they’re too placid and patient. The typical British Shorthair is very independent and doesn’t mind being left to herself — but do make time to play with her when you are at home. A cette date, des éleveurs décident d’exposer, à la Crystal Palace de Londres, les plus beaux chats de gouttière trouvés. The Scottish Fold is a very sweet cat. Kısa tüyleri … Also around the same time, Harrison Weir – the father of all cat exhibitions – has begun to select the finest British breed of common race cats. Try not to let your BSH cats get much heavier than this. British Silver varieties (Silver Tabby, Silver Shaded and Chinchilla) are more temperamental and agitated, while diluted color variations, such as blue and cream, have a quieter and more affectionate temper. Père : Maybach Platinum. Elevage de l'harmonie bleu. You can say that they have a British temperament, so they are very chiseled and confident. 5 superbes chatons British Shorthair et Longhair sont nés le 18 novembre 2020 Le British est une race de chats doux, câlins, joueurs et proches de so (... voir la suite) Petite annonce n°122546 du 29/11 Chaton British Shorthair à vendre. is a member of Amazon Services Associates Program. En moyenne, le prix d’achat d’un British Shorthair chaton en élevage se situe entre 900 € et 1200 €. If you want a cat with those characteristic folded ears and other good show traits, you should expect to pay a minimum of £1000 and probably more. Nous sommes un petit élevage familial situé en Seine et Marne tout près de la forêt de Sénart. Chatons British Shorthair à naître à l'automne 2021 Des chatons sont à naître prochainement. One main difference between this breed and the British Shorthair in terms of everyday care is that you should be checking for signs of degenerative joint disease when you pet or groom your cat. Scottish Folds come in both shorthaired and longhaired varieties. With Scottish Folds, it’s a case of “the more, the merrier” — the more people and animals there are in your house, the happier your cat will tend to be. Amazon Associates Program is an affiliate program that enables us to receive a commision on recommended products when we link to participates in advertising programs like Google Adsense. Vous avez déjà la possibilité de vous inscrire sur liste d'attente. Le Scottish Fold et le Highland Fold sont deux races de chats originaires d' Écosse, qui se caractérisent par des oreilles repliées vers l'avant (fold signifiant « pli » en anglais). These loving and affectionate cats are also great with cat-friendly dogs. It would be desirable for sterilized specimens not to exceed two meals per day, administered at fixed hours (morning and evening). Le British Shorthair peut avoir une taille moyenne à grand. A cat from a less scrupulous breeder may cost you much more in vet bills than you might save. The best British Shorthair can vary between 400-1000$ a cat. Another new breed is British Shorthair Silver Tipped – the cats have the undercoat of a silver-white fur and the peaks of the fur colored in another hue (black, blue, etc. Otherwise, the cat will become overweight soon. C’est pour cela qu’ils méritent bien qu’on leur consacre un site clair, dynamique et qui ne demande qu’à vivre grâce aux informations que vous pourrez nous laisser. Le British Shorthair et les Personnes âgées : Le fait qu’il ait un physique le rendant plus placide que d’autres, le British Shorthair, à l’âge adulte, peut tout à fait convenir à une personne plus tranquille. British shorthair vaccinați cu carnete de sănătate. The first real pedigree British Shorthairs were generally of the “British Blue” type, the result of cross-breeding with the lovely Russian Blue to create a BSH with gloriously thick blue-grey fur and unforgettable deep amber or coppery eyes. If the house will be empty a lot, I would recommend the self-contained British Shorthair. A British Shorthair was exhibited at the first ever cat show, in the Crystal Palace during the reign of Queen Victoria. Ce grand gourmand doit consommer des aliments riches en protéines de préférence, avec un faible taux de graisse. Le prix varie pour plusieurs raisons, entre autres selon la lignée du chaton, l’élevage d’où il provient, l’âge … La couleur du poil. You will need to monitor your pet for signs of discomfort, limping and so on, and be sure to take her to the vet promptly if she seems to be in pain. Deciding between a British Shorthair and a Scottish Fold can be a little tricky, especially if this is your first cat. From the mist of ancient history, it is said that the Romans, after taking over the British territories and starting to practice agriculture, around the year 400, brought a lots of cats to guard the rodent crops. CHATONS BRITISH SHORTHAIR,LONGHAIR,SCOTTISH FOLD; CHATONS RAGDOLL, PERSAN; CHATONS SACRÉ DE BIRMANIE, SIAMOIS; CHATONS CHARTREUX ET BLEU RUSSE; PHOTO; TÉMOIGNAGES; CONTACT RAPIDE; CHATONS BRITISH SHORTHAIR. Although they’re more of a lap cat than the BSH kitty, the Scottish Fold doesn’t like to be handled overmuch. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully monitor the quantity and quality of the diet that the animal consumes. While you can probably go out to work and leave your Brit alone all day without her turning a hair, the Scottish Fold needs lots of love and attention throughout the day and will fret if left all by herself. In general, the British Shorthair needs little additional care besides what you would give to any other domestic kitty. chats Scottish Fold. Père : Champion WCF Teddy Brits *IT Harrison. You will notice that they won’t jump on you all day, but if you let them for a couple hours alone they will come to you and rub off your pants. Les British Shorthair sont plutôt robus… The British Fold Shorthair cat is a medium-sized cat to the sea. The British makes you happy at first sight using his face look. Nos chatons sont élevés en famille au sein même de notre maison avec beaucoup d'amour. Portée à venir. Il est très reconnaissable par ses rondeurs qui lui donnent l'aspect d'un ours en peluche tout doux. Enjoy the site! At one end, you have those very aloof and skittish kitties (often rescues or semi-feral cats) who reject all attempts at physical contact with a... British Shorthair vs Bengal - Getting your First Cat, British Shorthair vs Chartreux Cat - Full Comparison. The main issues to look out for with this breed are haemophilia (this can be detected via a blood test), urinary and renal issues, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. PKD/FIV/FELV négatif. You would be very lucky to pay much less than £500 for a pet-quality kitten or an older, retired show cat. Portée à venir. Trouvez un chaton British Shorthair à l'achat près de chez vous grâce à notre annuaire d'éleveurs ! These cats are physically very sturdy, with chunky, muscular bodies; they also have solid, steady personalities. These little characters are great with children, who bring out their playful sides and give them lots of fun activities to enjoy. The British Shorthair’s calm, patient character makes her a good fit with little ones. They are part of the medium to large cat weight category, but despite their robust appearance it’s easy to take care of them. Plusieurs couleurs de robes existent, ils peuvent être shorthair (poil court) ou longhair (poils longs). The Scottish Fold is a medium-sized cat breed. For a top-tier show-quality kitten, you will be looking at well over £1000. In the sections on care and maintenance, we’ll talk about ways you can address this. She is said to possess the love and calm of the Persians, but also the intelligence of the Europeans. If you liked this article, we invite you to join our community, giving a Like on our Facebook page. Scottish Fold et British Shorthair . In general, it’s true to say that British Shorthair cats get on really well with both children and dogs. Les Eleveurs Professionnels et Particuliers de British Shorthair et Longhair. As for dogs, some BSH kitties seem to actively benefit from the companionship and stimulation that a well-trained dog can provide. The Scottish Fold lacks the British Shorthair’s trademark independence, as a rule, and can become sad and lonely if left without company for too long. Since then, the race has become the most popular of all races shown at Crystal Palace’s feline shows. Naturally, you will need to supervise and teach young children to play responsibly with the cat (yes, Fluffy enjoys being stroked and petted; no, Fluffy will probably not enjoy being put in a dress and forced to participate in a dolls’ tea party). More sought-after colourations can bump the price up to a few thousand. In UK, there are plenty of British Shorthair cats so you can get one of any color you want. Do bear in mind, however, that introductions need to be performed with care and interactions supervised until you’re sure the dog will not chase or bite the cat. Also, this cat immediately adapt to the daily rules of the house. Descended from hardy wildcats and tough working cats who survived on Roman galleys, bred for solidity and a stoic temperament, it’s not surprising that this breed enjoys a long lifespan and overall good health. After familiarizing with the home and people around, these cats will be very affectionate, but they will not suffocate you with their love. Named Susie, this cat had folded ears that gave her an unusual owlish look. In this article, we’ll be looking at the similarities and differences between the two breeds, what you need to know about each one and how to choose your perfect cat. Elevage familial de Scottish fold - Highland fold & British shorthair - British longhair. À la même époque[précision nécessaire], des éleveurs anglais, tels que H. Weir sélectionnèrent les plus beaux chats de gouttière qui furent exposés pour la première fois au Crystal Palace de Londres en 18711. Prix. British Fold Shorthair fur is unique: short and thick as a carpet, requiring little care. Remember, this is the same breed was originally termed a lop or lop-eared cat, based on their resemblance to lop-eared rabbits. This way we can provide useful information and keep the site up without any costs for the final users. You should expect your cat to keep getting bigger and taller until at least three years old, with some BSH cats taking a full five years to get their full stature. My only hesitation would be in recommending the Scottish Fold to a single professional, or to a family where everyone is out at work or school all day long. … Les femelles pèsent en moyenne trois à quatre kilos alors que les mâles se situent davantage autour de cinq à huit kilos. BSH kitties are blessed with a really good constitution and not at all subject to the health problems that can affect some other breeds. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. The British Fold Shorthair cat is one of the most beloved cat breeds with a gentle character and behavior. This breed descends from a little white barn cat found in 1961. They have a similarly calm disposition to the British Shorthair but are a lot more cuddlesome and playful. Le LOOF publie un communiqué officiel dans lequel on peut lire : « Génétiquement il n'y a aucune différence entre un scottish à oreilles droites et un british. Le nom de Highland Fold est donné à la variété à poils mi-longs tandis que la variété à poils courts est appelée Scottish Fold. La Chatterie du Lord Inouk. British Fold Shorthair is one of the oldest breeds of cats in the UK, having as ancestors cats imported by the Romans during the Roman Empire. She needs a sensible diet of premium, high-protein wet food with very occasional low-calorie treats. Pas-de-Calais 62920 Gonnehem. Expect to pay a few hundred pounds or the equivalent in dollars for a kitten with pet-quality characteristics; inexpensive kittens often lack a pronounced fold, although they may still be noticeably lop-eared (note that all kittens are born with straight ears and don’t develop their folds till the third week of life). They can be classified as a loving, introverted cat. In 1871, world witness the first feline that took place at Crystal Palace in London, and British Fold Shorthair was the first race to be exhibited. Mischief and drama are not for the British Shorthair. Normally, British males are a bit bigger than females. From the mist of ancient history, it is said that the Romans, after taking over the British territories and starting to practice agriculture, around the year 400, brought a lots of cats to guard the rodent crops. All in all, the Scottish Fold is a truly charming companion for any cat lover. Avec sa tête ronde, sa corpulence stable et son pelage, le British Shorthair ressemble à un véritable ours en peluche. Although British cats are very attached to their masters, they know to keep their distance when they feel it is the case. Extensive cross-breeding has reduced the number of Scottish Folds born with these problems, however. He has the habit of silently following his master from one room to another as a puppy until he is seated somewhere, and she will find her place next to him. British Shorthair cats are sturdy, independent, loyal and very affectionate cats. They have a similar round configuration as the British Shorthair but they don’t get nearly as hefty. Accueil ... You've found the site where you can have the confidence to fall in love with a quality British Shorthair and Scottish Fold kittens! Nous élevons des British Shorthair mais surtout Longhair. Ce chat de taille moyenne à grande est caractérisé par sa tête très ronde et ses grands yeux ronds. Filtres . This heart condition is very rare in females (only around two per cent of BSH queen cats will go on to develop it) but regrettably more prevalent in the boys. Le British Shorthair a une fourrure qui est courte et dense avec un sous-poil très épais et serré, à tel point qu'on peut le comparer à de la laine. Consequently, the British Shorthair specimens appeared in a rich coloristic variety, their shapes became more rounded. A British Shorthair will have to be exaggerated enough to be determined to take off his claws. Bazen içine kapanık, sessiz olabilir. Scottish Fold cats can be perfectly healthy and happy creatures; as we’ve seen previously, however, the mutation that gives them those cute lop-ears can also affect cartilage in other parts of the body. Nord 59970 Odomez . They have a rather subtle way of expressing their affection and love for you. Désormais, le chat British Shorthair peut être de toutes les couleurs, en effet depuis 1991, les coulourpoint sont admis dans la race. If you have rough or ill-trained dogs around, she won’t be able to hold her own and could get hurt. These issues can be managed very effectively but they do need to be treated as quickly as possible; if left unaddressed, the cat’s condition will deteriorate. Caini, pisici » Pisici 1 800 lei. British Shorthairs are not rare but they are hugely popular. I would have no qualms about recommending either of these breeds as your first kitty. Voici donc toutes les données relatives à cette race de chat British Shorthair. British Shorthair . Groupe sanguin Ab. Pas étonnant que le British Shorthair soit devenu lune des races de chat les plus appréciées. chats British Shorthair Highland Fold (Scottish Fold à Poil Long) Scottish Fold Scottish Straight. Elevage de british shorthair en Meurthe et Moselle. This cats need plenty of attention from their humans to be happy. Kittens require a lot of care and attention, especially in the first few weeks of life. Negociabil. PKD/FIV/FELV négatif. Le British Shorthair est un chat de taille moyenne à l'allure majestueuse et au corps puissant. The typical color of British Shorthair cats is blue. It is usually calm, not aggressive, but not apathetic. Expect her to follow you quietly from room to room, to sit by you on the sofa and wait for you at the door when you’re due to come home from work. Le british shorthair est une race de chat originaire de Grande-Bretagne. Nos félins vivent également avec nos deux chiens. If you need to be out a lot, consider hiring a cat-sitter to check in periodically. These issues, affecting the cat’s joints, can have a serious impact on the animal’s quality of life. Being known as a lazy cat, the British Shorthair feline does not require attention from the masters, but it is a pleasure to play if they are appealing. Alternatively, get a second cat for her to play with. Probably the most impressive exhibition prize was given by the referees to a British Fold Shorthair female with tiger blue fur, at the venerable age of 14 years. Set aside sometime every day for a regular play-date where you break out the teaser toys and really try to stimulate the cat. The usual caveats about training and careful introductions apply, of course; do be advised that the Scottish Fold is very gentle and not at all a fighter. Only when he or she wants something will find the right time to express himself (he is hungry or feels a danger, or simply wants affection). The British Shorthair is considered a medium to large cat. It’s also possible (if unusual) for a British Shorthair to turn up at a shelter or a pet adoption list; this is definitely the least expensive option, although you may be in for a long wait. British cats being docile are also easy to train. We do not use this data. The British Shorthair cat is quite rare and discreet. One of the most characteristic features of British Fold Shorthair cats is facial expression “joyful”, this cat seems to “smile” all the time, which often raises the astonishment and admiration of those who see it for the first time. How long can a mother cat be away from her kittens? A routine annual routine check is recommended after eight years of age, including teeth cleaning and blood tests to check liver and kidney function. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Oreilles pliées (en cas de mariage avec Scottish/Highland) Description: Défaut de développement du cartilage et des os conduisant à un repliement de l'oreille, des os appendiculaires distaux anormaux et un … British shorthair : annonces chats et chatons Quoi Toutes les catégories Chat, Chaton Chien, Chiot Cheval Oiseaux Poissons, Aquarium Reptiles Rongeurs Animaux de la ferme Accessoires animaux Pension Saillies Animaux perdus/trouvés Divers animaux de L'octarine. Like the British Shorthair, this cat is somewhat prone to becoming overweight. Another difference between the breeds is Scottish Folds are much less independent than the stalwart British Shorthair. 5 superbes chatons British Shorthair et Longhair sont nés le 18 novembre 2020 Le British est une race de chats doux, câlins, joueurs et proches de son maître. Fifteen years is considered a good age for a Scottish Fold, although they can live longer. You will probably find that — so long as they get along well — the other cat will provide sufficient company to stop your lop-eared companion from getting lonely. La forme des oreilles peut être droite British shorthair ou scottish/highland straight ou pliée scottish/highland fold. The BSH kitty is not destructive and tends not to act out by clawing or spraying unless seriously stressed. They do, however, fall prey to the same conditions as any other domestic cat. Calme, intelligent, le British Shorthair est l'animal de compagnie idéal. The price of a little British Shorthair varies depending on the parents. Site internet. Trier. When reaches maturity, British Fold can weigh up to eight pounds, while a female can reach about six pounds. Elevage familial et vente de chatons British Longhair, Highland Fold, Highland Straight, en Alsace, en France, en Europe She does not seem to be disturbed by the strangers who visit her family as long as they admire her from a distance and do not try to touch her without her own will. These larger-than-life kitties gain most of their length of bone in the first 12 months but continue to grow and bulk up for years to come. If this is your second cat, a Scottish Fold would be fine. Mahalle kabadayısı gibi davranan British Shorthair yavrusu oldukça hareketlidir. Portée à venir. Site internet. Caini, pisici » Pisici 1 800 lei. Reinette. L.O.O.F. They often have an aristocratic, reserved attitude that betrays their typical British temper. Éleveurs par espèces . L.O.O.F. Le British Shorthair-Scottish Straight-Highland Fold le British tout en rondeur, paisible et joueur, adorent les câlins. ), that is, their fur resembles that of Chinchille . Reine. These kitties can become incredibly lazy if you don’t make a special effort to get them moving. DOB 29/6/2019. British Shorthair was the name given to these felines in order to distinguish them from other countries specimens, such as the Orientals and long-haired cats (originary from Angora). Proud and independent, British Shorthair is a. courageous, very loyal, very intelligent and affectionate cat. Choisir un nom pour votre animal . ! Ears, medium to small in size, are wide at the base, located at a distance, well covered with fur and tufted hair. De Lilachoops. British shorthair. Elevage professionnel à caractère familial de chats LOOF de race British Shorthair & British Longhair, Scottish Straight & Scottish Fold et de Highland Straight & Highland Fold. Representatives of the breed are recognized for their high intelligence, as well as for the extraordinary ability to store information, with excellent memory.