Carte de rationnement ayant appartenu au général Adolphe Victor de Chanal (verso). Enfin, la journée du 18 mars entraîne l'instauration de la Commune de Paris et le second siège mené par les armées régulières contre les insurgés. Tod Cet ensemble de fortifications est constitué d'un mur d'enceinte continu, percé de portes, et renforcé de 94 bastions, et d'un fossé. The report assessed information about Communard casualties only as "very incomplete". Only about 40,000 were employed in factories and large enterprises; most were employed in small industries in textiles, furniture and construction. Cette destruction est attribuée à tort aux troupes prussiennes, elle est faite volontairement par la défense de Paris. The Paris Journal reported that soldiers arrested 13 women who allegedly threw petrol into houses. [93] A partial amnesty was granted on 3 March 1879, allowing 400 of the 600 deportees sent to New Caledonia to return, and 2,000 of the 2,400 prisoners sentenced in their absence. Au moment où le siège de Paris semble inéluctable, le gouvernement engage un immense effort de travaux de défense qui doit faire, en quelques semaines, d'une ville jugée hors d'état de se défendre, une place véritablement imprenable. He asked for reinforcements and proposed an immediate counterattack. The sound of firing squads, which one still hears in the mournful city, atrociously prolongs the nightmare ... Paris is sick of executions. They were expected to converge at the end of 24 hours at the gates of the Palace of Versailles. I come from Paris, and I do not know whom to speak to. When the voting was finished, 233,000 Parisians had voted, out of 485,000 registered voters, or forty-eight percent. Victorine Brocher, close to the IWA activists, and founder of a cooperative bakery in 1867, also fought during the Commune and the Bloody Week. A small group of revolutionary national guardsmen were already there, and there was a brief confrontation between the brigade led by General Claude Lecomte, and the National Guard; one guardsman, named Turpin, was shot dead. Thiers announced a plan to send the army the next day to take charge of the cannons. Je commence à avoir des maux d’estomac. Le 4 septembre, la foule et la Garde nationale envahissent le palais Bourbon et réclament la déchéance de la dynastie. He travelled to German-occupied Tours and met with Bismarck on 1 November. This is a draft translation in English of the book "La Commune de Paris – Révolution et contre-révolution à Paris en 1870-1871" in its first publication in French in 2011 under the name "Des Communards". From 21 March, the Central Committee of the National Guard banned the major pro-Versailles newspapers, Le Gaulois and Le Figaro. The forces of the Commune were outnumbered five-to-one by the army of Marshal MacMahon.[74]. Gould, Roger V. "Multiple networks and mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871. Certains membres du gouvernement (Trochu, Favre) craignaient plus une insurrection populaire que les prussiens. The Siege of Paris and the Paris Commune - 1870. The rest of the Louvre was saved by the efforts of the museum curators and fire brigades. The expenses of the Commune were 42 million, the largest part going to pay the daily salary of the National Guard. The members adopted a dozen proposals, including an honorary presidency for Blanqui; the abolition of the death penalty; the abolition of military conscription; a proposal to send delegates to other cities to help launch communes there; and a resolution declaring that membership in the Paris Commune was incompatible with being a member of the National Assembly. Manipulés par les Prussiens et démoralisés par l’inaction, les Parisiens ne tentent que quelques sorties contre les Prussiens, qui se solderont par des échecs et de lourdes pertes humaines. [108], Émile Zola, as a journalist for Le Sémaphore de Marseille, reported on the fall of the Commune, and was one of the first reporters to enter the city during Bloody Week. Gustave Cluseret, the commander of the National Guard until his dismissal on 1 May, had tried to impose more discipline in the army, disbanding many unreliable units and making soldiers live in barracks instead of at home. Émile Zola wrote, "Thus we citizens of Paris are placed between two terrible laws; the law of suspects brought back by the Commune and the law on rapid executions which will certainly be approved by the Assembly. 1852-1870: Second Empire (Napoléon III). At least three plays have been set in the Commune: Berlin performance group Showcase Beat le Mot created, There have been numerous films set in the Commune. The official army report by General Félix Antoine Appert mentioned only Army casualties, which amounted, from April through May, to 877 killed, 6,454 wounded, and 183 missing. As soon as he heard the news of the uprising, he made his way to the railway station, where national guardsmen were already stopping and checking the identity of departing passengers. [9], The Commune resulted in part from growing discontent among the Paris workers. [78] Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray, later a lover of Eleanor Marx, asserted that many of the fires were caused by artillery from the French army, and that women in the Commune were wrongly blamed for arson. Soon, the Council of the Commune voted, with strong opposition, for the creation of a Committee of Public Safety, modelled on the eponymous Committee that carried out the Reign of Terror (1793–94). [83], Amid the news of the growing number of executions carried out by the army in different parts of the city, the Communards carried out their own executions as a desperate and futile attempt at retaliation. "[112] Mikhail Bakunin was a strong supporter of the Commune. He thrice ordered them to fire, but the soldiers refused. The chief of the military justice department claimed seventeen thousand shot." After being freed he had led the takeover of the prefecture of Marseille by militant revolutionaries. Thiers' government in Versailles urged Parisians to abstain from voting. That is clearly to be read in the eyes of the passers-by. The city was almost completely dark at night. The first reaction of many of the National Guard was to find someone to blame, and Dombrowski was the first to be accused. The regular French Army in Paris, under General Trochu's command, had only 50,000 professional soldiers of the line; the majority of the French first-line soldiers were prisoners of war, or trapped in Metz, surrounded by Germans. The International had considerable influence even among unaffiliated French workers, particularly in Paris and the large cities. 17,000 of them were Parisian, and 73,000 from the provinces. Their offices were invaded and closed by crowds of the Commune's supporters. The old society has twenty years of peace before it..."[104], On 23 April, George Sand, an ardent republican who had taken part in the 1848 revolution, wrote "The horrible adventure continues. A handful of barricades at Rue Ramponneau and Rue de Tourville held out into the middle of the afternoon, when all resistance ceased. On 8 October, several thousand soldiers from the National Guard, led by Eugène Varlin of the First International, marched to the centre chanting 'Long Live the Commune! They also demanded suppression of the distinction between married women and concubines, and between legitimate and illegitimate children. It was voted on 12 April by the executive committee of the Commune, which declared that the column was "a monument of barbarism" and a "symbol of brute force and false pride." Il fut soufflé de petites sphères en verre, avec un orifice par où était introduite la dépêche. The commissions in turn reported to an Executive Commission. "[109] But on 1 June, when the fighting was over, his tone had changed, "The court martials are still meeting and the summary executions continue, less numerous, it's true. Victor Hugo blamed Thiers for his short-sightedness. "[102] In 2012, however, historian Robert Tombs made a new study of the Paris cemetery records and placed the number killed between 6,000 and 7,000, confirming du Camp's research. [81], The battles resumed at daylight on 24 May, under a sky black with smoke from the burning palaces and ministries. L… The National Assembly decreed a law on 24 July 1873, for the construction of the Basilica of Sacré-Cœur on Montmartre, near the location of the cannon park and where General Clément-Thomas and General Lecomte were killed, specifying that it was to be erected to "expiate the crimes of the Commune". If you let me live, I shall never cease to cry for vengeance. The procession of hostages was joined by a large and furious crowd of national guardsmen and civilians who insulted, spat upon, and struck the hostages. The new Central Committee of the National Guard, now dominated by radicals, decided to put the cannons in parks in the working-class neighborhoods of Belleville, Buttes-Chaumont and Montmartre, to keep them away from the regular army and to defend the city against any attack by the national government. [2], The officers of the National Guard were elected by the soldiers, and their leadership qualities and military skills varied widely. Many Parisians, especially workers and the lower-middle classes, supported a democratic republic. Colonel Megy gave the order, and during the night of 29–30 April, most of the soldiers evacuated the fort and returned to Paris. Over the next seven weeks, some two hundred priests, nuns and monks were arrested, and twenty-six churches were closed to the public. While the formation of the new government was taking place inside the Hôtel de Ville, however, units of the National Guard and Garde Mobile loyal to General Trochu arrived and recaptured the building without violence. Dombrowski reported that the soldiers he had sent to defend the ramparts of the city between Point du Jour and Porte d'Auteuil had retreated to the city; he had only 4,000 soldiers left at la Muette, 2,000 at Neuilly, and 200 at Asnieres and Saint Ouen. Parmi ceux-ci six redoutes avaient été armées rapidement dont celles de Gennevilliers au nord, et au sud celles de Créteil, du Moulin de Saquet et des Hautes-Bruyères[4]. The army commander, General Ernest de Cissey, began a systematic siege and a heavy bombardment of the fort that lasted three days and three nights. Between 24 May and 6 September, the office of inspection of cemeteries reported that an additional 1,328 corpses were exhumed from temporary graves at 48 sites, including 754 corpses inside the old quarries near Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, for a total of 6,667. There were also 115,000 servants and 45,000 concierges. Between 300 and 600 shells hit the centre of the city every day. "[128] The Bolsheviks renamed their dreadnought battleship Sevastopol to Parizhskaya Kommuna. The workload of the Commune leaders was usually enormous. The government quickly banned two publications, Le Reveil of Delescluze and Le Combat of Pyat, and arrested 83 revolutionaries. [88] According to Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray, a defender of the Commune, a total of 63 people were executed by the Commune during the bloody week. On 10 June, when the Commune was finished, Flaubert wrote to Sand:[105]. Guardsmen from many units were known for their lack of discipline; some units refused to wear uniforms, often refused to obey orders without discussing them, and demanded the right to elect their own officers. The soldiers captured 42 guardsmen and several women, took them to the same house on Rue Rosier where generals Clement-Thomas and Lecomte had been executed, and shot them. Paris. Le commandement allemand s'est installé à Versailles. The ministers and officials of the Bolshevik government were given the title Commissar, which was borrowed directly from the Commissaires of the Commune. Proposed by Henri Rochefort, editor of the Le Mot d'Ordre, on 6 April, it had not been voted upon by the Commune until 10 May. The most extreme revolutionaries in Paris were the followers of Louis Auguste Blanqui, a charismatic professional revolutionary who had spent most of his adult life in prison. La Commune de Paris, au jour le jour, 1871, 19 mars-28 mai by Reclus, Élie, 1827-1904. [9], Of the two million people in Paris in 1869, according to the official census, there were about 500,000 industrial workers, or fifteen per cent of all the industrial workers in France, plus another 300,000–400,000 workers in other enterprises. At the same time Cissey sent a message to Colonel Megy, with the permission of Marshal MacMahon, offering to spare the lives of the fort's defenders, and let them return to Paris with their belongings and weapons, if they surrendered the fort. Jourde first obtained a loan from the Rothschild Bank, then paid the bills from the city account, which was soon exhausted. The collapse of France in 1870 had an overwhelming impact - on Paris, on France and on the rest of the world. Some leaders of the Commune, including Delescluze, died on the barricades, but most of the others survived and lived long afterwards, and some of them resumed political careers in France. [42] The winners were announced on 27 March, and a large ceremony and parade by the National Guard was held the next day in front of the Hôtel de Ville, decorated with red flags. On the morning of 22 May, bells rang around the city, and Delescluze, as delegate for war of the Commune, issued a proclamation, posted all over Paris: In the name of this glorious France, mother of all the popular revolutions, permanent home of the ideas of justice and solidarity which should be and will be the laws of the world, march at the enemy, and may your revolutionary energy show him that someone can sell Paris, but no one can give it up, or conquer it! While carrying back the laundry she was given by the guardsmen, she carried away the body of her lover, Jean Guy, who was a butcher's apprentice. In the morning the regular army captured La Roquette prison and freed the remaining 170 hostages. Die Nachricht von diesen Ereignissen erreichte Paris am Nachmittag des 3. [79] The consensus of later historians is that most of the major fires were started by the National Guard and several organised Communard groups; but that few if any fires were started by the Army or by local women. MacMahon replied, "Ah, well, that's different. They have taken over all the city halls, all the public establishments, they’re pillaging the munitions and the food supplies. There were rumours that pétroleuses were paid 10 francs per house. The Committee of Public Safety issued its own decree: TO ARMS! Thiers refused the proposal. Tensions escalated: Internationalists elected a new committee and put forth a more radical programme, the authorities imprisoned their leaders, and a more revolutionary perspective was taken to the International's 1868 Brussels Congress. They were not aware that Thiers, the government, and the military commanders were at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the gates were open and there were few guards. The National Guard. [121] However, photographs of the ruins of the Tuileries Palace, the Hotel de Ville, and other prominent government buildings that burned show that the exteriors were untouched by cannon fire, while the interiors were completely gutted by fire; and prominent Communards such as Jules Bergeret, who escaped to live in New York, proudly claimed credit for the most famous acts of arson. Après le 4 septembre 1870, le gouvernement de la Défense nationale arme les fortifications avec tous les moyens disponibles. Empress Eugénie, the acting Regent, fled the city, and the government of the Second Empire swiftly collapsed. The publications La Commune, La Justice and Valles' Le Cri du Peuple feared that a more authoritarian government would destroy the kind of social republic they wanted to achieve. [57], On 12 May another civic event took place: the destruction of Thiers' home on Place Saint-Georges. Publication date 1908 Topics Paris (France) -- History Commune, 1871 Publisher Paris Schleicher frères Collection robarts; toronto Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Robarts - University of Toronto Language French. Empires of Sand by David W. Ball (Bantam Dell, 1999) is a novel in two parts, the first of which is set during the Franco-Prussian war, more particularly the Siege of Paris during the winter of 1870-71. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 28 janvier 2021 à 14:33. ", but they also dispersed without incident. For the Paris Commune during the French Revolution, see, Negotiations with the Germans; continued war, Adolphe Thiers; parliamentary elections of 1871, Failed seizure attempt and government retreat, 23 May: Battle for Montmartre; burning of Tuileries Palace, 24 May: Burning of Hotel de Ville; executions of Communards, the archbishop and hostages, 26 May: Capture of Place de la Bastille; more executions, 27–28 May: Final battles; massacre at Père-Lachaise Cemetery, Academic dispute over Thiers' handling of the crisis. [48] Joséphine Marchias, a washer woman, picked up a gun during the battles of May 22-23rd and said, "You cowardly crew! À partir du 20 septembre, les deux armées allemandes s'étaient installées solidement dans leurs cantonnements fortifiant plusieurs villages dont ils barricadaient les rues et crénelaient les maisons. It specialised in humour, vulgarity and extreme abuse against the opponents of the Commune. "[111] George Woodcock manifests that "a notable contribution to the activities of the Commune and particularly to the organization of public services was made by members of various anarchist factions, including the mutualists Courbet, Longuet, and Vermorel, the libertarian collectivists Varlin, Malon, and Lefrangais, and the bakuninists Elie and Elisée Reclus and Louise Michel. Its martyrs are enshrined in the great heart of the working class. Most electors in France were rural, Catholic and conservative, and this was reflected in the results; of the 645 deputies assembled in Bordeaux on February, about 400 favoured a constitutional monarchy under either Henri, Count of Chambord (grandson of Charles X) or Prince Philippe, Count of Paris (grandson of Louis Philippe). Another plaque behind the Hôtel de Ville marks the site of a mass grave of Communards shot by the army. Hugo, Victor, Choses vues, 1870–1885. Jan 9, 2021 - Explore Johannes Strasbourg's board "Paris Commune 1870" on Pinterest. Paris's tax receipts amounted to 20 million francs, with another six million seized at the Hotel de Ville. For seventy days the people of Paris live their lives peacefully and inventively under the governance of a Commune. As the soldiers were surrounded, they began to break ranks and join the crowd. Dans un rayon de dix kilomètres autour de la capitale, les Allemands installent leurs cantonnements mais, prudemment, ne lancent pas l’attaque attendue par les Parisiens. [59], Despite this first failure, Commune leaders were still convinced that, as at Montmartre, French army soldiers would refuse to fire on national guardsmen. In Paris wurde a… Clemenceau, a friend of several revolutionaries, tried to negotiate a compromise; some cannons would remain in Paris and the rest go to the army. [80], Historian J.P.T. Dans les restaurants de luxe, on servira de l’antilope, du chameau, de l’éléphant quand les animaux du Jardin des plantes seront sacrifiés[20]. He was considered to be the candidate most likely to bring peace and to restore order. [8] Many of the Commune's reforms, such as universal suffrage and secular schools, were re-introduced by progessive regimes in the twentieth century. MacMahon had his headquarters at the Quai d'Orsay. Les boulangers vendent un pain noir de composition inconnue[19]. The first effort to pull down the column failed, but at 5:30 in the afternoon the column broke from its base and shattered into three pieces. Ces fortifications sont sans armement ni entretien en 1870, elles ne servent plus que de ligne d'octroi. À aucun moment la défaite des armées françaises n'avait été imaginée. One of the best-known candidates, Georges Clemenceau, received only 752 votes. The commander of the regular forces, Colonel Georges Ernest Boulanger, went further and ordered that all four prisoners be summarily shot. They also had very little training or experience. But he criticised the Communards for not having done enough to secure their position, highlighting two errors in particular. This group was dominant in Paris, where they won 37 of the 42 seats.[25]. The fires of Paris have pushed over the limit the exasperation of the army. However, this page is dedicated to the 1871 historical period Commune de Paris, hereafter called Commune for the sake of simplicity. According to the decree of the Commune, the works of art were to be donated to the Louvre (which refused them) and the furniture was to be sold, the money to be given to widows and orphans of the fighting. The officers were pelted with rocks, struck, threatened, and insulted by the crowd. L'Assemblée nationale s'installe à Versailles pour éviter la pression de la Garde mobile parisienne en état de quasi-insurrection. Between the end of April and 20 May, the number of trained artillerymen fell from 5,445 to 2,340. The first to take action were the followers of Blanqui, who went quickly to the Latin Quarter and took charge of the gunpowder stored in the Pantheon, and to the Orleans railway station. In upper-class neighborhoods many abstained from voting: 77 percent of voters in the 7th and 8th arrondissements; 68 percent in the 15th, 66 percent in the 16th, and 62 percent in the 6th and 9th. Of the 270 condemned to death—175 in their absence—25 were shot, including Ferré and Gustave Genton, who had selected the hostages for execution. Noch am Nachmittag des 4. verließ die Kaiserin Paris und floh nach England. The National Guard had built and manned a circle of barricades and makeshift forts around the base of the butte. The attack was first launched on the morning of 2 April by five battalions who crossed the Seine at the Pont de Neuilly. The abandonment of the fort led the Commune to dismiss Rossel, and replace him with Delescluze, a fervent Communard but a journalist with no military experience.[67]. The heights were captured at the end of the afternoon by the first regiment of the French Foreign Legion. [107] On 25 May, during the Bloody Week, he wrote: "A monstrous act; they’ve set fire to Paris. Les deux corps d'armées déployés au sud de Paris sont placés sous le commandement de Von Hartmann. [92] Thousands of Communards, including leaders such as Felix Pyat, succeeded in slipping out of Paris before the end of the battle, and went into exile; some 3,500 going to England, 2,000–3,000 to Belgium, and 1,000 to Switzerland. [21], At midday on 22 January, three or four hundred National Guards and members of radical groups—mostly Blanquists—gathered outside the Hôtel de Ville. • François Roth, La Guerre de 70, Fayard, Paris, 1990 (réédition en poche). Le 30 décembre c'est le tour de Castor et Pollux, les deux éléphants du Jardin des Plantes, d'être abattus, et les bouchers vendent de la trompe d'éléphant de premier choix à 40 francs la livre[19]. "I lack artillerymen and workers to hold off the catastrophe. The Commune was regarded with admiration and awe by later Communist and leftist leaders. The longest-lasting commune outside Paris was that in Marseille, from 23 March to 4 April, which was suppressed with the loss of thirty soldiers and one hundred and fifty insurgents. Trochu a choisi de faire rentrer dans la capitale l'armée de 40 000 hommes de Vinoy sur des considérations peut-être plus politiques que militaires[2]. ("the democratic and social republic!"). [70] When they had received this news, the members of the Commune executive returned to their deliberations on the fate of Cluseret, which continued until eight o'clock that evening. Ferré was sentenced to death, and Courbet was sentenced to six months in prison, and later ordered to pay the cost of rebuilding the column. More than half of the prisoners, 22,727 to be exact, were released before trial for extenuating circumstances or on humanitarian grounds. ), 1871: falons pour une histoire de la Commune de Paris (Paris, 1973), pp. The battalions of the National Guard were no match for the army; by midday on the 23rd the regular soldiers were at the top of Montmartre, and the tricolor flag was raised over the Solferino tower. See more ideas about commune, paris, stereoview. At about seven in the evening, the commander of the garrison, Jules Bergeret, gave the order to burn the palace. To command the new army, Thiers chose Patrice MacMahon, who had won fame fighting the Austrians in Italy under Napoleon III, and who had been seriously wounded at the Battle of Sedan. At Jules Favre's request, Bismarck agreed not to disarm the National Guard, so that order could be maintained in the city. Il y a également quelques corps francs ou groupes de francs-tireurs, recrutés dans des professions où l'usage des armes à feu était habituel, qui interviennent en avant de la ligne de forts comme les éclaireurs de la Seine et les éclaireurs de la Presse. Bismarck et Moltke ont décidé d'éviter d'exposer leurs troupes dans un combat de rues. Ahead of the elections, the Central Committee and the leaders of the International gave out their lists of candidates, mostly belonging to the extreme left. They demand the overthrow of the government and the establishment of a Commune. They prepared a massive offensive of 27,000 national guardsmen who would advance in three columns. At the beginning of April, he moved to Brussels to take care of the family of his son, who had just died. [52] The Russian Anne Jaclard, who declined to marry Dostoyevsky and finally became the wife of Blanquist activist Victor Jaclard, founded the newspaper Paris Commune with André Léo. Le Second Empireest terminé. 1870-1871: Franco-Prussian war. Avec la capitulation de Sedan, les armées prussiennes et leurs alliés déferlent sur le Nord de la France et vont mettre le siège devant Paris. He celebrated by dancing in the snow in Moscow on the day that his Bolshevik government was more than two months old, surpassing the Commune. Je me promets (…) de vous faire manger des salmis de rats d'eau excellents… »[21]. By early January 1871, Bismarck and the Germans themselves were tired of the prolonged siege. [23], The national government in Bordeaux called for national elections at the end of January, held just ten days later on 8 February. Regular soldiers would give up their arms, but would not be taken into captivity. Commune de Paris (1871): Costumes militaires de la Commune d'après nature par A. Raffet. The Commune was suppressed and liquidated during La semaine sanglante (The Bloody Week), a series of massacres of unarmed men, women and children, beginning on 21 May 1871 [7], by French Army prisoners of war handed by the Prussians to their Versailles collaborators. They reported to both the Central Committee of the National Guard and to the Executive Commission, and it was not clear which one was in charge of the inevitable war with Thiers' government.[44].